So it's been forever since I've blogged and I'd really like to get back into it... but I can't make any promises... even though I know I should...
My sudden inspiration?? Reading poetry for Sandals' Art/Fusion and a lil conviction from up above.
First off, I've been blessed with the opportunity to participate in Art/Fusion twice now. It has been such an amazing experience. When I get up to the mic I am terrified; my heart is pumping my whole body is shaking, but as soon as the words start flowing out of my mouth I feel like another person. I feel strong and confident as my actual soul begins to speak.
Well all that being said, both times I was asked to participate my initial response was... uhhh ya right... no gracias =) Fortunatly, both times God had other plans than letting me decline. The first time he provided me with many many many truths regarding FEAR (cuz that's ONE of my countless issues). And what were these exactly? Here's my favorite and the one i try to hold close to my heart: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9) Ya, try backing out after He says that to you!! The second time, which was just this weekend, He reminded me that there will be ultimately two crucial questions that He will expect me to answer for Him. They are: "What did you do with my son, Jesus Christ?" and "What did you do with what I gave you?" Why did these questions convict me so you ask?? Well, it was more the second one. It's because one of the many things God has given me is an ability to write, and as long as I'm not writing I'm putting to waste His gift to me. Ughhhhh... right in the heart!!
So, now here I find myself... writing away...
P.S. I will also be posting some of the few poems I've written since the last time I posted one
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